USA Karate Senior Master’s Caucus
Hanshi George E. Anderson founded the USA Karate Senior Master’s Caucus with the approval of the USA National Karate-do Federation, the National Governing Body for Olympic Karate in the United States, the USA Karate Federation and others. Hanshi Anderson’s vision was to create a body where Senior American Karate-ka could meet and participate in the activities of the Olympic Karate movement and have their contributions to this movement recognized. The Senior Master’s Caucus does not have a role in the direct operation of the USANKF but does make recommendations to the USANKF and provides support for USA Karate activities.
Benefits to the Karate Community The Senior Master’s Caucus allows the karate masters to be a part of USA Karate and gives USA Karate the ability to tap the vast resources and experience of senior karate-ka without involving them in everyday operations. All Senior Masters Caucus Members are Life Members of USA Karate. Purpose: · To recognize and represent the views of the high-ranking masters within the Unites States. · To give elders and seniors karate-ka a role in developing and maintaining the values and traditions of historic karate. · To give voice to consensus opinions of the masters · To be available for consultation and advice · To assist in reconciling the traditional values of the martial arts with the requirement of competitive karate and the United States Olympic Committee · To periodically provide the USA-NKF Executive and the Board an unbiased viewpoint with a clear and understandable report on observed anomalies, inconsistencies, biases, and unproductive bickering in general. |
USA Karate Senior Master Caucus
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