The Police Survival & Defense Institute
The PSDI is in legacy mode. We no longer issue credentials in police self defense training but we do issue Taiho-jutsu rank. Our Taiho-Jutsu programs are tactical systems that provide comprehensive abilities that do not conflict with standard departmental regulations.
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Our Mission
The PSDI views Law Enforcement, Military, and other Public Safety organizations' Tactical Defensive Education as a positive, necessary, and ongoing process of professional development, which changes the personal safety of every professional. We embrace teaching as a service in which we contribute to the betterment of Public Safety and society as a whole. We are committed to assisting public safety professionals in developing and maintaining strong, consistent physical and internal standards! Quantifiable, integrated, and related to the well-being of our social structure, all of which are vital as well. While we no longer issue credentials in police training, this is being done by the state governments, we do promote proper law enforcement training as well as law enforcement programs for civilian defense.

Police Self-Defense Institute (PSDI) was established many ago years under the historic United States Karate Association. Many senior law-enforcement instructors in the US and abroad were trained and certified under the PSDI. Personnel from the Anti-Terrorists Units, Secret Service, FBI, CID, Interpol, Air Marshals, active police officers, sheriffs departments, State Departments – state and nations, and many other agencies were affiliated with the PSDI. The PSDI is now in legacy operation.
Through the years we have seen the formation of governmental Peace Officer Training Councils with specific policies and procedures for police officer defensive tactics in part because of the efforts of PSDI personnel. Many departments till pursie PSDI and other training for their defensive tactics instructors. After the 911 tragedy, the PSDI has moved to assist security efforts, to provide correct and necessary training for the general public and to once again comment on and advise various agencies on sound operational techniques.
PSDI has had some of the best and most experienced instructors in the world on our staff and continues to be directly involved in the formation of a sound and simple technical structure for the instruction of personnel.
PSDI focuses on a broad range of groups such as service companies, manufacturing concerns, educational institutions, social service agencies and to individuals (which includes children), young adults, families, professionals, business employees, executives, in addition to law enforcement/military.
In our civilian training we encourage quality self-protection, incident control and survival training -- concentrating on prevention, awareness, and security in the context of the home, workplace, and during travel. We present reliable skills and teach how to respond to unstable situations. Our students learn how to use common ordinary everyday items as weapons and how to apply self-defense techniques that can be easily learned and to execute under stress.
Over the years we have had great influence over the methodology of officer survival and self-defense training. We would be delighted for you to join with us and work toward a safe and sound national environment. Persons interested in any aspect of PSDI Training
Through the years we have seen the formation of governmental Peace Officer Training Councils with specific policies and procedures for police officer defensive tactics in part because of the efforts of PSDI personnel. Many departments till pursie PSDI and other training for their defensive tactics instructors. After the 911 tragedy, the PSDI has moved to assist security efforts, to provide correct and necessary training for the general public and to once again comment on and advise various agencies on sound operational techniques.
PSDI has had some of the best and most experienced instructors in the world on our staff and continues to be directly involved in the formation of a sound and simple technical structure for the instruction of personnel.
PSDI focuses on a broad range of groups such as service companies, manufacturing concerns, educational institutions, social service agencies and to individuals (which includes children), young adults, families, professionals, business employees, executives, in addition to law enforcement/military.
In our civilian training we encourage quality self-protection, incident control and survival training -- concentrating on prevention, awareness, and security in the context of the home, workplace, and during travel. We present reliable skills and teach how to respond to unstable situations. Our students learn how to use common ordinary everyday items as weapons and how to apply self-defense techniques that can be easily learned and to execute under stress.
Over the years we have had great influence over the methodology of officer survival and self-defense training. We would be delighted for you to join with us and work toward a safe and sound national environment. Persons interested in any aspect of PSDI Training
- Law Enforcement
- Civilian Defense
- Professional Security
- Law Enforcement, Security and Civilian Defense:
- Close Quarter Tactical Training
- Dealing with Multiple Attackers
- Defending Against Edge/Blunt Weapons
- Law Enforcement Only
- Advanced Baton Training
- COP Shop
- Vehicle Stops
- Civilian Courses
- Stranger Danger and Bully Proofing
- Justified Self Defense or Unjustified Assault
- Personal Self Defense Certification
- Anti Assault Programs
The PSDI is authorized by the combined central technical committees of the USA Karate Federation, United States Jujitsu Federation, The World Kobudokan, The Central Taekwondo Association of The World Tae Kwon Do Chang Moo Kwan, The Global Martial Arts Federation, International Karate Instructors Institute, The Kwanmukan International, The Pan American Budo Federation, The Shudokan International, International Bujitsu Research & Development Foundation, and the Historic United States Karate Association which founded the PSDI concept. PSDI is not a martial arts organization but does have many advanced practitioners as members and advisors, and through our sponsoring partners we offer options for martial arts training in karate, jujitsu, taiho--‐jitsu, taekwondo, kobudo, kung fu, and police training. The Police Self Defense Instructor’s certification is a coveted recognition of defensive tactics instructors – both of civilian and of law enforcement programs. In addition to Police Self--‐Defense, the PSDI has had influence over the years with military self--‐defense training, personal self--‐defense training and women’s anti--‐assault programs.
National Federations Supporting PSDI
Link to Kwanmukan App - Membership, Event INformation
Link to USA Karate App - Memberships, REgistrations, and Events
Link to Kwanmkan Symposium App
Link to USA Sport Jujitsu Alliance App
US JUjitsu Federation, USMAF and Traditional Kodokan Judo EVents and Registrations
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USA Karate, USA Sports Jujitsu and Kwanmukan are registered trademarks.
United States Jujitsu, United Martial Arts are trademarks. All used with permission.
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